Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Prep is a story about the trials and tribulations that a young girl goes through in boarding school. It was her decision to go to a school thousands of miles away from her home. Lee tries to fit in at Ault but everyone around her is different from her. Lee is also trying to discover herself and figure out her sexuality. She is fighting with herself to figure out if she is gay or straight. I feel like if Lee doesn't know who she is it will be hard to fit in. In Ault there are groups and clicks that hang out together and you have to know which category that you fit into in order to blend. It is all about your status on campus, its either you are popular or trying to be popular. When Lee gets to hang out with Cross is when she finally felt like she fits in. She put her guard down and was starting to act like herself, and not who she thought people wanted her to be. Through out the chapters that we read Lee felt like she didn't belong until the day she hung out with Cross. Then when it was over, Lee began to miss the feeling of belonging. I think it is sad that people were not friendly to Lee because she didn't look like the "normal" Ault student. Teenagers all go through puberty, but for Lee it was difficult because she was out of her comfort zone. I think Lee took the smart way to fit in. not like her roomate that was following people and acting like something she wasn't. I can relate to this story because my highschool was very clickish, but i didnt let it get to me I was still my own person.

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